Rage Against The AI 

AI is dangerous. Technology should serve people, not the other way around.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the idea of a machine that can mimic human intelligence. Think of AI as the ability for computers to imitate cognitive human functions such as learning and problem-solving. Through AI, a computer system uses math and logic to simulate the reasoning that people use to learn from new information and make decisions.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (ML) is the application of AI to teach a machine to collect data and extract patterns from it and apply them to new tasks that they may not have completed before.

AI and Machine Learning

ML is considered a subset of AI. They both work together to make computers "smarter" and more effective at producing solutions. The use of ML accelerates the process of AI to a level humans cannot possibly undertake. ML studies patterns in data which later are used by AI to improve and become faster at making decisions.


Allow an AI to learn and bad things can happen.

No one is taking the time to analyze the risks that result from feeding more and more real world data into AIs, focusing instead on making AI more adaptable and faster.

This is dangerous.

Here are some of the few problems we are already facing:

Rage Against the AI
and the Machine